
Penn-Mar Irish Festival

We had the pleasure of filming for the Penn-Mar Irish Festival this past weekend. Boy was it a blast! We filmed several different bands, various activities going on around the festival, food, vendors and so much more. When I got home I started looking through the footage and came across a couple clips that I wanted to share right away.

Game of Thrones fans click above! The show may be over for now (I know – depressing right) but here’s something that might hold you over… Performed at the Penn-Mar Irish Festival by The Kilmaine Saints. This is unedited straight from the camera but being a huge Game of Thrones fan, I thought it was too cool to not share.

And here are the Screaming Orphans tearing up the stage! This footage is again straight from the camera but the energy of these girls was too incredible to not share. Definitely can’t wait to see them again!

That’s all for now but stay tuned for a full promotional video of the festival!

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